The Way from Me to Us

Mike Coleman

Book cover for The Way from Me to Us
Book cover for The Way from Me to Us

The Way from Me to Us

The Way from Me to Us

Mike Coleman

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Two men in love. A world ready for change.

THE WAY FROM ME TO US is the story of two pioneers. It's the true account of a love that began nearly 50 years ago in a Nashville gay bar called The Other Side. It was 1977, when coming out could mean you lost everything. Your job. Your friends. Your family.

Mike and Ted were all too aware of the risks at the bar that night. It was literally a step to the other side for Mike, who was nowhere near as accepting of his true self as Ted was of his. "I like being gay," Ted told him. "I'd like to find somebody who likes being gay with me."

Mike accepted the challenge. With no instruction manual, the two of them staked out a life together at a time when such things "just weren't done." Theirs is a story of two men battling the toughest challenges, some external, some that sprang from within. It's the story of the triumph of an undeniable love that has lasted nearly half a century.

This uplifting memoir will move and inspire you. It's living proof that, no matter how vehemently the world works against it, love wins.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Riverdale Avenue Books
Pub date: 2023-06-01
Length: 304 pages

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